About us

We are a small team working in full time IT & Education field. Although we are not from any high class or very wealthy family background but investing in Stock Market, researching and analyzing various topics of investing from stock market to crypto currency is our habit and Blogging is our hobby or you may say our part time job.

As you know the field of blogging & social media creator is highly competitive and in order to success in these fields you need good knowledge of SEO and various other skills like Video editing, photo editing, good computer knowledge etc.  And the field of investing & trading require at least some business and commerce knowledge. Both the fields of IT & Investing are very large to acquire full knowledge. But everyone doesn’t require to know everything in these fields, one can begin with some basic fundamental knowledge. So in order to make some money online we have to acquire at least the basic knowledge.

As we are working in this field science quite some years, learned & gained some knowledge from our studies and experiences, here we are trying to share our little knowledge in these fields with others basically beginners who might like to gain some basic knowledge if they want to make some money through online digital marketing, trading & investing. In this way our aim is to generate some side income also, but not by misleading any one for gaining popularity or to make money.

My journey

Myself Sumanta, the administrator of “Om Digital Solution Centre”, a small educational institute situated in a small town in Odisha where we provide learning related to digital marketing, investing and basic computer operations needed in our day to day life and this blog is a part of it. I do the content writing, designing and SEO related works and along with my jobs, I write blog articles in my free time. Our team takes care of data collection, structuring and accounts related works.

I have been working in the field of computer operating, programming and graphics designing since 2008. I started my first business as video & photo editing and computer job work and was also working in a small finance group as manager cum accountant. After completion of my Bachelor of Commerce degree and Software Engineering course, I joined an educational institution, but my earnings are not decent. So I always search for different ways by which we could generate some good income. 

In 2010 I started the stock trading & investing business and opened my first demat account with Zerodha. That time I could not succeed because I did not have proper knowledge about all this and then proper internet facilities were also not available to do online tasks. But I continued learning about various online earning possibilities and collected all required knowledge. During the worst period of lockdown, when most of our source of income was blocked, I decided to reenter the field of online investing trading with the funds I have from my whole life savings. And during these three years of my direct stock market journey, I have earned a decent profit and more than that I learnt a lot practical experiences. 

Then in 2021 we started our blog “basicstudies.in”, where I share all the basic knowledge and my practical experiences earned in this field. Although the reason to start a blog was to earn some side income, after starting when I got practical experience in this field, I knew that it is not so easy to make money online and this field is so competitive. We require a lot of knowledge like SEO, Keyword research etc. along with the basic knowledge of WordPress. And most important is to gain traffic for which we require quality, reliability and a lot of effort. Now we have multiple blogs of different niches and most important is I am continuing my learnings. I know and realize that ‘there is no end to education’, if we learn good then only we can earn good. 

This is all about us. If you like our content then you can share with your friends and support and encourage us to grow. If you have any suggestions or feedback then please mention in the comment box. And in case you want to contact us then you can mail us. 

Once again thanks for visiting us!