Best way to make money online

We have discussed about few options by which we could make money online in our previous article how to make money online.

Why Stock Market Investing is the best way to make money online

In our view stock market investing is the best option for a beginner to start earning from the very first day also compared to any other options. We will discuss in this article about why we think that stock market investing is best way to make money online verses other online money making ideas and what our experience says.

No need to fulfill any target to start earning

Nowadays online incomes from social media creator jobs like YouTube creator or Blogging etc. are gaining high popularity. People thinks they can easily make money from it within few days. But we know how much skills and mainly patience required for this.

But without going deep chapters, if we think about the starting part then, in case you choose to work as an Youtuber then you have to achieve the minimum target of 1000 subscriber and 4000 watch hour to monetize your channel to start earning. In case of Blogging you need a good traffic on you blog page to get ads and revenue.

But in case of stock market trading you don’t need to fulfill any targets. Although first you must learn the basics of stock investing and trading (if you want to trade), but you don’t require to fulfil any target. Just invest your capital as you have and start trading as per your knowledge, invest in good quality stocks, taking calculative risks and timely book profits to start earning.

Read more about how to be profitable in stock market.

No marketing or professional skills required

To be a successful YouTuber you must be a good speaker and for blogging you must have good expertise in your topic in order to attract more audience. And good knowledge of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Keyword research skills are also required to gain some traffic. Otherwise you could not achieve any success.

But in stock market you don’t need to be fully expert to just start earning. You can start with learning the basic concepts of stock trading and investing and start earning small profits. Then as you learn more and gain good experience then you can earn more.

No technical skills required

To make YouTube videos, Instagram & Facebook reels you must have basic knowledge of video and photo editing, you need good voice and influencing capability. For blogging you need good writing skills and have to design your blog page to make it more attractive and also to maintain some minimum requirements for safety.

Starting with Blogger is simple but require some basic skills but may not be so attractive, because it don’t offer more customization tools. In case you need good income then you have to go for WordPress site with any reliable hosting provider. And for this you should have basic knowledge of WordPress and a lot of plugins those you require.

But for stock market you don’t need any heavy technical knowledge. You require some basic idea about how businesses runs and how they make profit, that is the fundamental analysis. And before starting to trade you have to learn some basic technical analysis techniques. These are not so difficult as people generally think. We have discussed about various basic fundamental analysis and technical analysis techniques for beginners in stock market, you can check them. And operating the stock trading app (like Zerodha and Upstox that we use) is we think easier than any photo designing app. 

What is the major drawback of stock market investing

The major drawback in this field is the market fluctuations. Those who know, how to manage the risks due to market fluctuations or up downs, they make money and those who play like luck game or gambling without any knowledge they may loose. You have to calculate the risk and reward factors otherwise you may end up with loss.

Before entering the market you should have some basic knowledge about the factors which affects the business environment. Because in stock market you invest in businesses. If the business you invest make profit then the stock price will increase and you can make profit. In long run stock price move on the basis of the performance of the business of that company, that is an investor have to analyze. In shorter time frame there are various other things that could affect the price fluctuations that a trader have to know.

Learn before you earn

There are various techniques to calculate and predict the price movement of the stocks. And there are also various types of trading strategies. But a beginner don’t need to know everything just to start. Anyone can start with just fundamental knowledge about how to analyze the market and select stocks. Then the more time you spend in the market you will learn more and your experience and patience will give you the perfect trading strategy for you to earn more. And this is not so difficult to learn. 

But some investors make that mistakes due to which majority of beginners in the stock market loose their money, that is due to greed and FOMO. They want to become millionaire or Karodpati in few days. They think this like a lottery. Rato raat karodpati banne ka khwab. They do like gambling not like business so they loose money and leave the market and blame that stock market is gambling. 

Making money from stock market

So in our view, learning about stock market trading and making money from it is not so difficult. There are so many free contents available online to learn. Anyone who wants to earn should first have to learn about the market. Then only you can make a good amount of profit from stock market. India is a growing economy and our market is the biggest emerging market in the world. There are so many business opportunities in the market. So don’t just judge the market by watching out of it. Try to learn and utilize the best opportunity we have in our Indian markets.


Here is a disclaimer that we don’t recommend anyone anything about stock market. We just want to financially literate and spread awareness regarding stock markets. This article is only for information and educational purposes.

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Myself Sumanta, trade & invest in Indian Stock Markets, usually prefer swing trading and positional trading in stocks and currently practicing regular options trading, mainly options buying. By profession I have been working in the field of computer & accounting since more than a decade.